If you’re responsible for creating relevant marketing content for your company, you most likely have suffered from writers block or idea overload at some point.  Create content your market want with these tips…

  • Recap five interesting things you learned at an event you recently attended.
  • Re-purpose content from one of your existing presentations or seminars.
  • In the spirit of recycling, take a look at older content and go ahead and re-fresh and re-use.  Trust me, your market needs to hear the message again.
  • Ask your sales reps what questions they are most asked. Since they interface most frequently with your clients and prospect, their insight is incredibly valuable. Answer the most commonly asked question, and make sure you capture the way they ask it.
  • Share a “how-to” tip on a favorite product. Consider video for this. Did you know that including video in emails can increase your click through rate by 300%?
  • Ask an industry expert to be featured in an interview by you.  Ask your clients or customers in advance what they’d like to know from the expert.
  • Curate content by compiling industry news – add your opinion or take on it for a personalized touch.  There are plenty of ways to automate gathering information. Set up Google alerts to receive the latest articles in your inbox.  Use an RSS site like Feedly or InoReader to keep up with important news.
  • Share an interesting or touching story about an employee, or client.  Including the personal touch is becoming more relevant in our increasingly automated world!
  • Survey your list using either social sites or email and ask what they’d like to know about your area of expertise or your products or services.  Ask open ended questions to avoid “leading the witness”.  You want to get at what’s really on their mind.


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